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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

We’re Not All the Same

After a friend asked for advice on how to raise her kid, Chimamanda Adichie wrote a book called Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions. It was just released in March. She says it’s important to start kids off early before they have to ‘unlearn’, and talks about teaching them to embrace what they don’t quite understand. In an interview with NPR,…

Tiny Spark

Tiny Spark will light up your daily commute (sorry, had to) with stories on what’s actually going right in the world. This women-owned independent news program and podcast investigates ‘the business of doing good’. Founder, Managing Editor, and hardcore veteran journalist Amy Costello set out to give us the 411 on what non-profits, philanthropists, and aid organizations are doing and how…

SF Women Against Rape

SF Women Against Rape has your back. While they’re widely known for their amazing work supporting victims of rape and mitigating the problem through education, this women-of-color-led, primarily volunteer-based organization offers up advice that everyone can find useful. After 2016’s seemingly endless string of big knocks, SFWAR sent out a newsletter focused on self-care. They curated some helpful tips to hack…

Movie Gives Viewers Experience of Being Blind

Here’s a movie to watch with tea and an open heart. Notes on Blindness takes us through John Hull’s experience going blind. It taps into the deep sorrows that come with losing sight, while also revealing how present Hull becomes in his other senses. The movie is based off Hull’s memoir that Oliver Sacks described as, “the most extraordinary, precise,…

Outsider Art Like You’ve Never Seen

We’re all better off knowing about Arts Unbound. This non-profit helps ‘outsider’ artists (i.e. the elderly or those with developmental disabilities) have successful careers. Using a shareholder model, the artists often get paid before their work is even finished, cutting back on financial risk and really ensuring that they thrive. We think this is important because it reminds us that…

Defining Multiculturalism Through Art

Xian Mei Qiu is an LA-based artist who reveals her multicultural upbringing through her work. Her newest project, Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom, is a distillation of just this, speaking to the symbols of the past and how we can use them to look toward the future. “It deals with the issue of identity as something that we create, and…

The Power of Intersectional Storytelling

Diana Gameros is pretty stellar. She uses her music to talk about the intersections between cultures, languages, and genres. Her own multicultural experience takes hold in her dreamy Latin-influenced tunes on love, family, and identity. “Singing my stories has become a natural way to connect with myself and with others.” If you’re ready for more, KQED’s interview with Diana has…

Brooklyn Rezound, a New Approach to Language

Go to a rehearsal with Daria Faïn and Robert Kocik and you’ll find them talking in tongues you may never have known existed, like Yaqui or Ewe. This Brooklyn-based performance group – The Commons Choir – uses language, movement, and music to show us that a topic can be explored and understood in many, many ways. They’ll talk about, say,…