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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Homecoming Project Invites Former Inmates Back Into Society

Transition back into civilian life from prison can be difficult. Before they even find a job they need a reliable place to live, and that can be hard with a criminal record. Especially in the Bay Area, where San Quentin State Prison is located, rent prices are sky high. The Homecoming Project –– an initiative from Impact Justice that’s all about…

Newcomer Academy Helps All Kids Succeed

In Dalton, Georgia, a local public school recently launched a program to help unaccompanied minors find their footing. Newcomer Academy works to not only acclimate immigrant children, but to ensure they succeed and thrive in their new home. Most kids need help not only learning a new language, but understanding a new culture and environment. “We are a public school system and we do not check immigration status. If a child comes to our door we want to serve them,” Woodason – one of the teachers – told WSBTV. “We believe in what we’re doing. We’re excited.” Some students…

Mormon Choir and SF Gay Men’s Chorus Join Stage Together

Ten years ago the Mormon Church took a stand supporting California’s Prop 8, the initiative that effectively made same-sex marriage illegal. And then earlier this Summer, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir happily joined the stage with the San Francisco Gay Men’s…

Shaun Haines and Friends Reduce Homelessness in SF

Shaun Haines first became homeless at 19 and has since dedicated his life to supporting those who are unlucky to find themselves in the same boat. His approach? While he’s a man of considerable dedication, he knows this issue isn’t a one-person job. He allies up with other dogged folks committed to ending homelessness, harnessing their empathy superpowers to create…

Young Sam Schimmel Embraces His Alaskan Identity, Even the Tough Parts

From the moment he could walk, Sam Oozevaseuk Schimmel was a child with an agenda. Spending summers with his Siberian Yupik family in Alaska, he quickly took to the outdoors. “He never was inside. He hunted and fished,” his dad, Jeremy Schimmel, told NPR. “He was catching fish when he was 2 — off the dock.” At age five, he…

The Other Side of the Border

In 2017, American professor and filmmaker Isabella Alexander was on her way back to the USA from Africa when the Algerian government stopped her – she was detained for almost two weeks. When she was finally released she returned home, only to immediately plan her trip back to Africa. The reason? She needed to finish a shoot for her documentary…

Seattle Kids Going to Preschool in Nursing Home

How do we make sure the oldest and youngest of us aren’t being lost in the shuffle of our busy lives? The Mount in Seattle, Washington, is taking a back-to-the-future approach to the modern problem. Loneliness and depression are leading issues for many elderly in the U.S. And the wisdom and experience of older folks aren’t being passed on to…

Kamau Bell’s New TV Series Tackles Uncomfortable Conversations

United Shades of America with W. Kamau Bell – an Emmy award-winning show on CNN – has just debuted its third season and we think everyone should watch it. In this docu-series, Kamau Bell deftly wields his razor sharp humor to bring up issues that divide us – like, say, race, immigration, religion, and history. “I think that Americans are…

Sonder: We All Have a Story to Tell

Sonder: n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. By definition, recorded history began with the invention of writing. What we commit to written memory is what our future generations will refer to as fact, how they’ll analyze who we were. What we don’t record may be forgotten, forever. But what…

Multi-Religious Wedding Shows Love Has No Borders

The day Seema attended Shannon’s boot camp class, Shannon was smitten. She told a fellow instructor, “I’m going to marry her.” Turns out that wasn’t a lie. Six years later they finally held a small wedding ceremony. “Seema is Hindu and I am Christian […] For the wedding we chose to have a Pandit (a Hindu priest) to honor the traditions…