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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Google Helps Us Tell Forgotten Latino Stories

Google is on to something with their new Latino Arts & Cultures in the US exhibit at the Getty in Los Angeles. The internet giant teamed up with dozens of institutions—including the Smithsonian Latino Center and the California State Archives—to feature a large collection of important Latino figures from both the past and present. This is one of the biggest…

Active Duty Gay Couple Tie the Knot

Captains Daniel Hall, 30, and Vincent Franchino, 26, met during the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ era—a time when it was forbidden for non-straight folks to disclose their sexual orientation. Congress repealed the policy in 2011 and these Apache helicopter pilots became the first active duty, same-sex couple to get married when they exchanged vows in January. The captains, who were…

Dorothy Day: Peace & Anarchy

Dorothy Day held a terminal belief that no matter one’s politics or religion, they should always be built around empathy and compassion. Pretty much from the get-go this was how she lived her 83 years. Born in 1897, her curious and happily rebellious streak first took the form of civil disobedience in her teens. She hung around the socialist and…

Detroit Artist Revitalizes City With Help of Clean Energy

Originally from Germany, metalworker Carl Neilbock has spent that last few decades reinvigorating his chosen home, Detroit. “The first thing I saw when I came to Detroit was how those beautiful buildings were just like a woman without jewelry,” Neilbock told Hour Detroit. “I saw the need right away for my trade.” He’s spent time renovating Detroit’s historic Fox Theater…

Q&A with Inupiaq Photographer Brian Adams

Dear dogged readers, This week we are thrilled to highlight Alaska-based photographer Brian Adams. Most recently, he culled widespread recognition for his project I Am Inuit – a photography and short story project (now a book) eschewing stereotypes of the individuals who call the Alaskan Arctic home. Being half-Inupiaq himself, Adams gives us an intimate view of what life really is…

The Conscious Kid Help Raise New Generation of Woke Kids

As we move into a new year full of fresh optimism about how our country can make positive progress, The Conscious Kid (TCK) is helping ensure kids understand the importance of diversity. With partnerships, TCK’s education programs aim to reduce bias and effectively promote positive identity development in youth. The group also supports research and policy organization. Children are like…

California Ushers in the ‘Gender Recognition Act’

California Governor Jerry Brown just signed into law the acknowledgment of a third gender: non-binary. Now, those who don’t fall within the bounds of male or female can check the non-binary box for their driver’s licenses and birth certificates. “Non-binary is an umbrella term for people with gender identities that fall somewhere outside of the traditional conceptions of strictly either female or…

First Lutheran Trans Pastor Practices Radically Inclusive Faith

When the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America began accepting openly trans pastors, Megan Rohrer was one of the first seven to become ordained. Because of the ‘religious abuse’ they experienced while growing up, Rohrer was driven to study religion as a way to “vocalize what I knew in my gut was OK,” they told Cosmopolitan. Today, this 37-year-old pastor uses faith…

Debunking the Myth of Asexuality

Historically, asexuality is a sexual orientation (of about 750 million people at last check) mired in myth and misunderstanding. What many have assumed is a disorder others say is just how some people are wired. David Jay, who identifies as asexual, wanted to start a conversation to drop some knowledge into the mix. In 2001, he launched Asexual Visibility & Education…