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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Service on Skid Row

New Sincerity contributing writer Nicole Nordstrom is a student at UCLA. She recently went down to Gladys Park in L.A.’s Skidrow to check out NS partners Eayikes and Skidrow Coffee in action. ⠀⠀ As soon as I entered Gladys Park, I was greeted with a warm hug by Alex Yoon. Alex is one of the founders of Eayikes, an organization…

College Student Shot 11 Times Joins Anti-Gun Violence Project

When I first thought about creating the Oakland Gun Violence Interview Series project I had a lot of people come to mind for who I could interview. Growing up in Oakland, most of the people that I know have been affected by gun violence in one way or another. Either they’ve shot someone, have been shot, or have a friend or…

Gary Understands How You Feel

Gary Noesner spent more than three decades as a hostage crisis negotiator. Yeah, like real crazy Law & Order type stuff. But it’s what Gary’s good at. After a siege went awry in Texas, Noesner took it upon himself to improve the whole program. At the core of this approach was a tool he thinks we all can benefit from…

Photographer Finds Muse While Spending 21st Birthday in Jail

Spun from Bay Area yarn, Jean Melesaine calls this place her forever home—she even has ‘Bay Area’ tattooed across her forearms. A Samoan-American and photographer by trade, she opens windows into lives many of us would never know. ⠀⠀ Through her job at Silicon Valley De-Bug – an organization that uses storytelling as a force for change – she co-edited a…

Intersectional Politics Force U.S. Institutions to Evolve

We have her to thank for much of the thoughtful inclusiveness of today’s resistance movements. Kimberlé coined the term ‘Intersectionality’ in 1989, advancing a way of thinking that totally changed feminism forever. Yes, she’s heroic. Grateful for the opportunity to SayHerName at #TED. Intersectional politics now more than ever!https://t.co/cQzsVV4Zp5 via @TEDTalks — Kimberle Crenshaw (@sandylocks) November 14, 2016 …

NFL Player Picks Up Hitchhiker

Many of us rush by people stopped on the side of the road with a broken-down car because we’re often late getting somewhere. But Oakland Raiders’ Derek Carr took one for the team when he helped out Ron Reeser who’d run out of gas. The impression that he left with Ron will last a lot longer than their trip to…

Eyes Wide Open: Waking to the American Dream

We all know a new president is about to take the reigns. If it feels a bit like doomsday we get it, but plenty of badass Americans are keeping their head in the game to give us information and hold our leaders accountable. One of them is filmmaker Theo Rigby—certified ally of the people. Rigby and his team are spearheading a series…

CEO of Good Vibrations Now Senior Advisor to Mayor of SF

Theresa Sparks has worn a lot of hats in her life, many of which she fashioned herself. She’s a real do-er, and a do-gooder to boot. After coming out as trans in the late 80s, she made trans rights a life priority. She knew, firsthand, the trauma and difficulty of living an existence that much of society either condemned or…

NYC Pastor for Black Lives Matter

Carl Lentz is a pastor Hillsong Church in New York City and he has one message for all of us: Black Lives Matter. He received a lot of criticism in September for rejecting the counter-phrase––All Lives Matter. His response? It’s not that all lives don’t matter, it’s that “black lives apparently are worth LESS on our streets.” So we have…

Meet a Cop Supporting Black Lives Matter

Diane Goldstein is a 21-year veteran of law enforcement, and she says cops should support Black Lives Matter. In the wake of the tragic deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castille, she wrote in a VICE article,“I tried to focus on potential solutions, rather than the divisive language and anger—understandable though much of it is.” We know this gets heavy…