Meet a Cop Supporting Black Lives Matter

Diane Goldstein is a 21-year veteran of law enforcement, and she says cops should support Black Lives Matter.

In the wake of the tragic deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castille, she wrote in a VICE article,“I tried to focus on potential solutions, rather than the divisive language and anger—understandable though much of it is.”

We know this gets heavy but check this out. First, she says structural racism can’t be blamed entirely on law enforcement. It goes way deeper than that – it’s tied to education, job creation, and mental health services (to name a few). These things must be given TLC if we want things to improve.

Second, Goldstein also says cops and Black Lives Matter must work collectively to improve the relationship between law enforcement and citizens.

“I believe it’s down to us, the members of the law enforcement profession, to start the reconciliation process—because we’re the ones in the position of power,” she says.

Yep, it’s on the cops to make the first move.

Goldstein is a friend of us all and she’s using compassion as her muse. She hopes others will follow suit.

Read about another Black Lives Matter ally.

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