Teens Design App to Battle Urban Blight

These four teenagers are kickin’ some serious booty. They’re from East Palo Alto where graffiti and litter is a big issue. Instead of trying to ignore it, they created an app to fix the problem.

Margarita Tenisi, Rosie Valencia, Ashley Davis and Vanessa Tostado make up the “EPA Chica Squad”.

Teamed up with a couple professional coders, they spent their after-school hours working on the app. Three months later, the app Tag It! graced the world with its awesome presence.

“It’s opened my eyes to new things that I could do with my life, and it’s not something that only certain people can do, it’s something that everyone can do,” Rosie told NationSwell.

The premise: If you see a site that has bad graffiti or a lotta trash, you tag it through the app and create a clean-up event. Then peeps in the community can make a jolly afternoon of it making their streets cleaner and having good convos with neighbors.
Tag It! to keep your block as fresh as you are.

Think they’re rad? You may also like this nine-year-old who builds shelters for the homeless.

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