We know you know this guy. You probably suffered a bad case of jaw-drop from Tim Robbins’ lead role in Shawshank Redemption. Well, maybe you didn’t know that he’s an activist and an awesome one at that.
His current passion is working to reduce recidivism and prison violence. No doubt this is a tall and daunting task.
How, might you ask? Through a prison drama program called The Actors’ Gang Prison Project, founded on the knowledge that arts programs reduces recidivism in prisons. California is known to have one the highest recidivism rates, yet slashed all funding to arts in prisons in 2008. Not good.

The Actors’ Gang is shifting this by going to prisons all over the state, teaching theater and conflict resolution skills. The ‘Gang’ is all about the learning how to laugh at yourself and explore your feelings, which is refreshing for inmates who often think they shouldn’t show strong emotions.
Take a look at the stats: Of the inmates involved, in-prison fights are down 89%, and recidivism was cut in half. We know, insane.
Art as medicine? We think so.
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