On Sunday night, October 8th, the wind picked up and started spreading fire. It grew to become one of the worst fires in recorded California history, burning through forests, cities, and everything in between. More than 3,500 structures and 170,000 acres are gone.
Large portions of Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, and Lake County were under mandatory evacuation and firefighters are only now getting control of the fire. This feels not unlike an apocalypse movie.
The surrounding communities immediately rushed in to help. Firefighters from across the West Coast came to aid, people are opened their homes to evacuees, phone companies offered free data in these counties, and shelters are practically overflowing with donated goods.
Watch Berkeley firefighters in action. They rock and this fire does not.
Give Northern California your love
New Sincerity is a movement of people from all backgrounds, identities, and socioeconomic statuses, who join together to create lasting, systemic change. We all call the shots.
If you’re not a local, you can always donate. A Bay Area credit union, in collaboration with Senator Mike McGuire, set up the North Bay Fire Relief Fund – every penny goes to help those affected by the fire. You know exactly where every dollar given to this fund is going – donate.
Give to the Undocufund, where 100% of the money raised will go towards ensuring that undocumented families displaced by the fire have access to the resources and support they need to rebuild their life. These folks are some of the most vulnerable in our community and we need to make sure they feel safe.

If you’re local, volunteer. This document gives details on who needs help and supplies.
Offer up your spare room. Chanslor Ranch in Bodega Bay offered shelter to over 200 people. These folks are a few of many Bay Area residents offering their homes to evacuees displaced by the tragedy.
This is the moment where we all step in and help until it becomes a habit. Our future depends on daily action and staying engaged with our communities, especially when they are in dire need. New Sincerity is built on the belief that we are capable of this.