Access to Legal Representation is Key to Democracy

The U.S. is actually one of the lowest ranked democracies when it comes to fairness in the justice system. Ouch. But take a look, some smarties in San Francisco are changing things.

Open Door Legal operates on this idea of universal access to legal representation. They know that those with money and power usually get to call the shots, and the disenfranchised may not have access to resources needed to properly defend themselves – be it the prospect of being evicted, immigration issues or more. Open Door Legal believes in the American ethos – that no matter your background, you get representation.



This isn’t a pipe dream. Equity is totally possible, and they are making it happen. Through a rigorous system of volunteers, partnerships, and case management, they’ve created a way to make sure that folks walking through their doors are represented. No bureaucratic beeswax in these parts.

This work MATTERS. Research showed that for every buck put toward legal aid, more than seven more was created in the local economy. Essentially, this good juju is a snowball effect and is making the community healthier.

Rise up! If you need assistance of this kind, reach out. Or, if you can, donate here

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