Professor Goes on Compassion Escapade After Homophobic Twitter Remark

Professor Ashon Crawley chose a compassionate path on Twitter when dealing with the homophobic nonsense that Kim Burrell said.

Ellen at Race Ahead shared the conversation and breaks it down:

“…Ashon did a remarkable job unpacking the complexity of being a gay person of color trying to exist within a Christian community that condemns you with impunity. ‘It’s easy to for them to call a sex act ‘sinful,’ but what could they call sitting next to someone on a couch, sharing in wonder and joy, at getting to know more about them?'”

Twitter can be a pretty ugly place, and it’s inspiring to see wisdom and grace live there too. Thanks Ashon for reminding us to let love go rampant and overgrown, inspiring healthy foliage to protect the next generation.

Read (with delight) his full Twitter escapade.

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