Woman Starts Blog Documenting the Beauty and Difficulty of Having Schizophrenic Mother

Many of us never have the chance to grasp what it’s like to have Schizophrenia, or to know someone closely who struggles with the mental disorder.

Emily Robinson’s mother, Cindy, has had schizophrenia for about 40 years. What some may see as a sad story about a debilitating mental illness, Emily is transforming into a story of tender connection on her blog, You Are In This World. Here, we witness the day-to-day delights and struggles of the family’s life.

While many who don’t understand the illness can feel frightened when they’re around people who suffer from it, Robinson shifts the stigma by celebrating her mother’s spirit.

In one post, Robinson talks about asking her mother what she needed most. After a few moments, her mother simply replied “Love.”

Robinson says, “I’m hoping that by sharing, I can put a more human face on our story. I’m hoping I can honor my mom. I’m hoping to make some small difference so my mom’s life goes on the record as being important. Because it is. She is. We all are.”

Rise up! Fight the stigma – hit share.

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