First Trans Woman To Take Senate Seat?

Misty K Snow isn’t your average cashier.

In June, she won the Utah Democratic nomination for a seat in the Senate.
Not the usual story, we know. But there’s a reason why: she’s sharp as a whip (no college degree needed) and has really good ideas for Utah’s future.

She talks about raising the minimum wage, promoting clean energy, increasing paid maternity leave, investing in affordable college and health care, and more protection for the LGBTQ community, to name a few.

“While I’m not running on the basis of being a trans woman, my experiences have given me the empathy to understand the struggles of groups that feel that the American Dream is out of reach. I’m running to give a voice to the voiceless.”

We have a feeling that the grocery store may have to let go of their most valued employee soon because there isn’t anyone who can stop Misty––she’s bootstrapping it all the way to the top.

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