When news of growing racial tensions went public Boston Latin High School’s image took a hit. Senior Phillip Sossou didn’t think reporters told the full story of the school he’s grown to love, so he drew his own.
He scraped together photos of all of his classmates and then he drew them. Like, he spent four months secretly sketching 411 charcoal portraits. He’d stay past the bell and through dinner to work on the project.
With the semester ending, Phillip and a few friends got to school early and hung the portraits up. When students arrived it was all huglife, big smiles, and some tears of joy.
“I’m not sure if it brought people together, but I feel like, for one day at least, people appreciated that we’re all from the same place,” said Sossou.
The drawings were a way for a quiet kid with a lot to say to show his classmates that he noticed and appreciated them. For outsiders, they’re an insight into the Boston Latin that Phillip sees. A place that’s human – inherently flawed but undeniably beautiful.