Luckily her loved ones took her in, offered tons of support, and gave her the space to heal. That’s when things began to shift.
She thought, “Fuck it, I’m going to stop being afraid of everything. I’m going to do things that challenge me and I’m going to follow the fear. I don’t know how much time I have on this planet, so why not make the most of it?”
What’s pretty cool is that instead of sweeping her past under the carpet, Sara used the experience to create a bright, successful future.

The shame is gone now, and Sara’s killin’ it as comedian and a writer. She talks about her illnesses in her comedy sketches and in ‘Agorafabulous!’ – her book that is being turned into a TV show. She found humor could not only help manage her own depression, but also served as a vehicle to help others. By sharing her own stories Sara is helping others feel less alone.
So, New Sincerity is here to say ‘no shame’. Rise up and follow your fear. For more inspiration find Sara’s online zine called “The Stories” on Medium.
Rise up! Fight the stigma and hit share.